Your contribution will make a difference to our clients, their families, and our community. We welcome gifts of time, money, and in-kind necessities and thank you for your support.

Volunteers support VSC in numerous ways. In our office, they answer phone calls and letters from clients, perform office tasks, and assist our professional staff. We also need extra holiday help to organize and process donations to our Adopt a Family program.
Help with building maintenance and repair, such as electrical work, painting, gardening, etc., is always welcome.
To volunteer, call Isabelle Garcia at 202-544-2131 Or complete our volunteer form.
Donations of in-kind necessities make a big difference to our clients in the early days of their reentry. This is our in-kind wish list:
New underwear and socks for both men and women
Healthy food options and snacks: individual packages of cheese, tuna, and granola bars, as well as fruit, juice, and water
Full-sized toiletries for men and women
(202) 544-2131
1422 Massachusetts Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20003

Volunteers support VSC in many ways.

Food is important in our reentry and outreach programs.